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Growing Up Gonzales – The Review

BY Jonathan Ullman (@gogoPatienceCnP) When the character of Johnny Gonzales enters the set of his dead brother Cisco’s apartment to clean it out in the opening moments of Growing Up Gonzales, you’d think you’re in for a night of…

Enrique Grau Araújo | La Mulata Cartagenera

Caribbean Crossroads Symposium @ El Museo del Barrio

SYMPOSIUM: Caribbean Crossroads Keynote Address by Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott October 11 – 13, 2012 at El Museo del Barrio and The Studio Museum in Harlem In conjunction with the current exhibition CARIBBEAN: Crossroads of the World, El Museo…

My Heart – Bernarda Moronta

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) Long live Dominican moms! I feel extremely fortunate to have been born to a Dominican mother. For those that don’t know, Dominican mothers in particular and Latino mothers in general, are much more than mothers…

I Am A Dominican York

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) I am a Dominican York. According to the Urban Dictionary, a Dominican York is either a Dominican immigrant living and working in New York City or an American-born person of Dominican descent who was raised…

Drop That Wishbone & Get a Backbone

BY Larissa Vasquez (@lariluv) My mom always tells me not to fall in love by myself. “La peor cosa del mundo es enamorarse sola (The worst thing in the world is to fall in love by yourself)”. She would…

UC Love: Download Your Free Copy of Los Rakas “Raka Love” EP

Oakland-via-Panama’s Los Rakas dropped their Love-Themed 9-song EP, ‘Raka Love’ yesterday for free. The video for the first single, ”’Copita De Champaña’ premiered on MTV Tr3s recently. Los Rakas have been putting down some next-level Spanish language Hip-Hop for…

The Female Paradox

BY Larissa Vasquez (@lariluv) My father thought I’d be pregnant by the time I reached my fifteenth birthday. I know this because my mother repeated the last words he told her before they separated over and over during my…

The Language Barrier

BY Larissa Vasquez (@lariluv) The night before I moved to New York City from the Dominican Republic I was on an emotional roller coaster. Well, as much as one could be between the ages of 5 and 10. Basically,…