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briana e. heard

4thofjuly - American Flag - Bridge

UC Love: Jim Crow in New Clothes

The video above is the best 20 minutes you will spend online today. In fact, the speech is the best maiden speech in the Senate ever. Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, whose election in January helped to turn Georgia Blue…

Trinity Cemetery Washington Heights

FEMA reimbursements for COVID funerals, burials | Bronx Free Press

There will be some help in the hurt. COVID-hit families will soon be able to access assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) for funeral and burial costs. As announced jointly by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer and Congresswoman…

4thofjuly - American Flag - Bridge

UC Must-Reads: American Democracy Is Only 60 Years Old

Indi Samarajiva is not one to mince words. Please check out one of our favorite writers as he so adroitly and succinctly explains the problems that bedevil our Democracy. Below is a taste but click the link below for…

Inwood Hill Park - Dominican & American Flags

11/13/20: De Lo Mio On HBO Latino

That’s right familia, tune into HBO Latino at 8:15 pm est on Friday, November 13 to see the much anticipated De Lo Mio. The film is directed by Diana Peralta and stars Sasha Merci and Dee Nasty. You can…

City Council approves “impossible” budget | Manhattan Times

Don’t bother celebrating. The New York City Council has voted to approve a new city budget that includes a reduction in funding for the NYPD. City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said the budget negotiations included “heart-wrenching and impossible choices”…

Inwood Hill Park - Dominican & American Flags

Critica.NYC: Global Pandemic and the 2020 Uprisings

Our founder Led Black was recently featured on the Critica.NYC show on MNN. He was on an illustrious panel that also featured Loira Limbal and Brujas of Brooklyn. Shout out to Raquel Batista for hosting the important discussion. We…

UC Must-Reads: Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop

Listen up folks, you absolutely need to read Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop by a former California police officer. Even with all videos that we have seen recently about abhorrent police behavior, this article is an eye-opener. Without…

4thofjuly - American Flag - Bridge

UC Must-Reads: A split-screen pandemic

Journalist, broadcaster and author, Farai Chideya penned a power piece in the Washington Post that delves on how the pandemic has exposed the festering inequality that is so pronounced in our beloved New York City. This sentence from the…