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the elixir eileen

The Elixir Profiles: Julissa Pérez

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@EileenZFuentes) Q. From personal experience I know that cancer is generally viewed as an older person’s disease. How did you discover your illness? A. Cancer wasn’t even a thought or concern to me. At my age,…


The Elixir: The 2016 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen List

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@EileenZFuentes) Every year I look forward to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen list. This handy guide helps you avoid non-organic fruits and vegetables that are highest in pesticide residues and choose non-organic items…

Eileen Z. Fuentes - Jay Franco Faces of Hope

The Elixir: For Those of Us With Pre-Existing Conditions…

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@theSPEACHgal) For some of us, having medical insurance means survival. People, particularly the young and healthy, never really think about health insurance until they need it. I implore you to look and listen to these…

The Elixir: Age Is Nuthin’ But A Number – Ernestine Shepherd

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@EileenZFuentes) Recently, I started to notice that my body was craving exercise. Sitting in an office for extended hours a day and being stuck in traffic definitely were taking it’s toll. I consistently eat healthy but…

The Elixir Recipes: Popsicles, Promises and Plan B’s!

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@theSPEACHgal) Recently, the temperatures rose to 100 degrees and so my aim was to post a refreshing summer recipe. In my mind, I wanted to share how to put together a quick Latin-inspired quinoa salad but…

The Elixir Recipes: Mangu 2.0

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@EileenZFuentes) If you’re Dominican, you definitely know what mangu is. For those who are not, it can be compared to it’s American counterpart, mashed potatoes. Just like mashed potatoes are very common in American homes, mangu is…