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The Heights

Far Rockaway - Hurricane Sandy

The Far Rockaway Blues: Dispatches From the Frontlines Part II

By Octavio Blanco (@OctavioCNN) [blackbirdpie url=”″] I’d have been suspicious of me. Here I  was, a stranger with no identifying jacket, or armband, or hat, or badge, walking around, alone, knocking on doors asking questions with an iPhone in-hand…

Goldin Martinez of Get Focused Fitness

Focused on more than fitness | Manhattan Times

Story and photos by Robin Elisabeth Kilmer While it is a more common sight to see Goldin Martínez encouraging youths to do crunches, push-ups and obstacles courses, the new challenge he set before local residents this past week was…

Uptown Collective Holiday Bash @ La Marina 12-17-12

The UC Holiday Bash @ La Marina Goes Down Tonight!

The Uptown Collective Holiday Bash La Marina (348 Dyckman) Monday, December 17th @ 7pm RSVP Only: It’s that time of the year again folks. What better way to end the year and celebrate another incredible year of the…

Operation Toys for Cocktails At La Marina

Spread Love: Operation Toys For Cocktails @ La Marina

The holidays are upon us and while many of us are busy either celebrating, preparing to celebrate or buying gifts for loved ones, there are many in our neighborhood that are doing without and could use a little Christmas…

Far Rockaway

The Far Rockaway Blues: Dispatches From the Frontlines

By Octavio Blanco (@OctavioCNN) [blackbirdpie url=”″] Rock, rock Rockaway Beach…we can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach – The Ramones

 It’s 9 a.m. and I’m sitting on a bench in front of Starbucks on 181st street and Ft. Washington…

2142 Amsterdam Ave

2142 Amsterdam: From rubble to housing | Manhattan Times

Story and photos by Robin Elisabeth Kilmer 2142 Amsterdam Avenue has stood vacant for 18 years. But its days of being a pile of rubble are numbered. In early 2014, the vacant lot, along with two other abutting lots,…

Audubon @ Altus

Audubon to Perform @ Altus Tomorrow

Audubon Performance at Phuket !!! from LoZeR FiLmS on Vimeo. Check out: Washington Heights Stand Up – Audubon @ Phuket Lounge We invite you to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter, or e-mail us at [email protected].…